The truth about living in Japan

Beyond the picturesque mountainscapes and vibrant red Tori gates lies a world of concrete skyscrapers and fashion victims.

Friday, April 22, 2005

New Nephew, New Harddrive

First up, the less important news. My once trusty laptop died gloriously and I had to hunt far and wide to find a computer service centre in Osaka that is willing and able to fix computers bought in other countries. Even though it's a Toshiba (Japanese brand) I was told by shops that they couldn't fix a computer brand not sold in their shops. Didn't make any sense, but I did find a repair shop, so a big SO to for fixing my computer and doing it in English.

That said, the important news is that my sister had a baby boy by C-section, which made me an instant Auntie at about 7am yesterday, my time.

I'm very far away and I really want to see Heidi as a new mother and meet my tiny nephew, the newest family family in 27 years. I can imagine the rest of my family all gathered around gafawing at how adorable he is and how minute his fingers are. I wonder if anyone knitted him some booties.

His name's Xavier ("zay-vi-a" in Australian-English) and he was sleeping on Heidi's lap when she called me yesterday and left a message on my mobile phone. She sounded so excited, I can't imagine how she feels with her own child. I havemn't had a chance to talk to her, when I called her she was probably asleep after her big operation.

Something that struck me as interesting is, she underwent the C-section with just an epidural (sp?) which meant she was conscious throughout the operation. Makes sense to me, but I hadn't ever thought of that before.


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